Monday, November 10, 2008

I am starting to review the election results and have come up with a few things to think about for next election.

First, it appears that the reason I was behind so significantly at the start of the published returns is because the Election Commission counted the early votes, etc. first, instead of with each individual precinct. The Obama campaign was pushing early voting that brought out a lot of motivated Democrats (and Obama Independents) to early vote. That means that I had overwhelming support on Election Day. My efforts were focused on getting out the vote on November 4, so I am happy with that. Still, I think that early voting will be a significant issue for future elections.

Second, because early voting will be an issue, I will have to work on strategies to address that. I have three years to finalize a plan, so I would appreciate your comments now.

Third, since younger voters were activated this time around, I need to find ways to reach into that group. A flyer to their parents is probably not a good way to accomplish the result I would want.

Finally, perhaps this is just a coincinence, but I won by approximately the number of emory boards that I passed out. (Note to self - Buy more emory boards!)

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