Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Your Choice

What I like about referendums is that the people get a direct say in whether we do something or not. Although I have a personal opinion as to the need for acquiring more land for the District, the people get to choose. Yesterday, the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County's Commission voted to move the referendum question along. Basically, it was a vote to have our lawyers write up the ordinance. Or as my daughter observed "You voted on it so you could vote on it later. O...kaaay!"

The language should read something close to "Shall the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, Illinois, borrow money and issue general obligation bonds in the amount of $68 million to acquire natural areas and other land, improve, preserve and restore forests, wetlands and prairies, including natural areas and wildlife habitat and construct and improve trails, recreational areas and other facilities, all in accordance with the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act of the State of Illinois, as amended?" That should mean about $3.57 per $100,000 value of a house. A $300,000 house would have an annual increase of about $10.71/year. This amount does not include any personal exemptions that may apply. That seems to me to be exceptionally affordable given the benefits it provides the community. Improved quality of life, improved property values, improved water and air quality, improved wildlife habitat, helps to control traffic congestion, ... the list goes on.

If you go to the top of the page and read the descriptive under 'The Forest's Edge', you probably will have a pretty good understanding of my views on the issue.

More on this soon.


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