Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Greene Farmstead Planning

The Greene Farmstead Group met again last night. We briefly reviewed our tour of the house and barn. Some people were disappointed in that there were some holes in the roof and siding. On par with most old barns that I have been in. In any case, I have staff on line to make temporary patches on the holes where needed. It does not make sense to re-roof the barn and then a year later, tear off the roof so we can insulate the building. The District is in the process of roofing the house right away.

We then went through an exercise to hone down the uses of the barn. This was moderated by the District's Executive Director, Brent Manning. We started out with everyone giving their number one use of the barn. Then we went around the room again to make sure all the important ideas were out. As we honed down the list by combining like ideas, we also fleshed them out a bit. Now the moment of truth had arrived. We each received 3 stickers to vote for whichever ideas we liked. We are still evaluating the results, but it looks like the idea of leaving open the upstairs to experience the expanse of the barn for a multi-use facility is a winner. This was our first bite at the apple, but I think that it was a good and important step in our developing programming for the barn.


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