C'mon Guys, It's Just A Joke
Sometimes real life is too funny. What else can you think when Congress is holding a hearing to examine if human activity is causing global warming, only to have it postponed because of ice and snow.

And I wonder if Mother Nature cringed as much as I, when Al Gore was spouting off about how Hurricane Katrina and all of the others were caused by global warming and that we can only expect more each year and more severe at that. I guess Mother Nature felt Al had to be put in his place, when the next year had a significant drop in the number of tropical storms and not one was a class 4, much less a class 5 hurricane.
Tomorrow the high is suppose to be 16 degrees F, when 16 degrees F is the average low for our area.
When meteorologists can't accurately predict next Wednesday's weather, I don't have a lot of confidence in a group of scientists that come up with a 90% certainty that we are driving climate change and that we are going to most likely increase temperatures in 2100 by 4 degrees C. Now I don't dismiss global warming out of hand as the 'lunacy of the loony left,' there are many issues to be addressed. But 90% certainty to a scientist means he generally knows where to look, not that he has found what he's looking for. For those of you who need to have a visual, 90% certainty looks a lot like this:

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