Here are some other considerations regarding a land acquisition referendum. We might also consider some capital improvements with the land also, such as building more trails.- Clean air and clean water is good government. Adding land that can be restored will help in that effort. The process of restoring a farm field (Yes Virginia, there still is farm land left in DuPage) improves both. By reseeding a prairie or woodland we clean pollutants out of the air. It also encourages water infiltration that reduces run-off and subsequently reduces water polution.
- The purchases can help reduce traffic congestion. Making trail connections will encourage more walkers and bikers that takes cars off the road. Coordination with the County, Municipalities, Park Districts, etc. will make these purchases more effective. A recent survey by the Naperville Park District indicated a perceive need for more trails.
- If we do a good enough job cleaning the air and getting cars off of the road, then maybe we can save money by no longer requiring emissions testing on cars. We might also eliminate the need for a special blend of gas that increases the price if there is a shortage, because we can't just ship in any ol' gas.
- Then there is the legacy thing. Today we decide what we are leaving for our children, our grandchildren and their grandchildren. I am hard pressed to imagine anyone going to Springbrook Prairie and exclaiming "Boy I wish that 20 years ago they would have built a series of strip malls and an office complex here!" Nor can I imagine "Life in DuPage would be great if I could only add another 20 minutes a day in a traffic jam on my way to and from work."
More on this topic later.